An “honoris causa” doctorate for Professor Sylvie Belleville

Sylvie Belleville (Ph.D.)

(2021-11-04) The co-director of CIMA-Q, Dr. Sylvie Belleville, received from the Academic Council of the University of Mons the title of doctor honoris causa for her contribution to scientific advances in the field of psychology. …read more  

Abnormal brain hyperactivation an early sign of Alzheimer's?

(2021-05-25) An abnormally high activity in certain areas of the brain, in particular the hippocampus and the parietal lobe, would be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease in individuals at risk, suggests the work of Nick Corriveau-Lecavalier, a doctoral student at the time of research, and Sylvie Belleville, laboratory director at the University Institute of Geriatrics of Montreal and professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal.  …read more

CIMA-Q scientific event / 2021 edition

journée_scientifique_cimaq_2021(2021-05-07) For the 2021 edition of its annual scientific day, CIMA-Q invites you to attend virtually on 2 consecutive mornings, on June 1 and 2, presentations by members of our consortium of researchers. Nine members of CIMA-Q will present the results of their work related to the use of clinical, neuropsychological or neuroimaging data, and biomaterials from the CIMA-Q Bank. In addition, we will have the pleasure and the privilege of welcoming as guest speakers * Dr Gillian Einstein and Dr Cherryl Wellington who will come to present their recent work.

A website to keep seniors in confinement active

(2020-05-19) The Research Center of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM) is launching a website to keep seniors in confinement active:

This project, initiated and coordinated by Dr. Chantal Dumoulin, researcher at CRIUGM and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, aims to provide seniors with information on various health issues. Several of our researchers and practitioners have answered the call by offering exclusive presentations on various topics of interest to seniors.

This website will be regularly updated with videos covering physical health, cognitive health and psychological well-being. You can already watch the premieres on the following topics:

These videos are also online on the CRIUGM YouTube channel.

CIMA-Q at AAIC 2018

(2018-07-21) CIMA-Q will be at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) Annual Meeting in Chicago (USA) from July 22-26, 2018. If you’re in Chicago, come see us!

Registration for CIMA-Q Scientific Day 2018

(2018-01-24) The 3rd edition of the CIMA-Q scientific day will take place on March 14, 2018 at the Research Center of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about this great Quebec project. Register now for the opportunity to connect with colleagues who have research interests similar to yours!