A project for the future

The Consortium for the Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease (CIMA-Q) brings together more than 90 Quebec researchers and clinicians who share the common goal of advancing knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease. More specifically, our mission is to develop tools to detect the first signs of its appearance. The early identification of Alzheimer’s disease greatly increases the likelihood of successful interventions, thus improving the quality of life for seniors struggling with this terrible condition.
What is CIMA-Q
People over the age of 65 represent nearly 16% of the current Quebec population. In this demographic segment, Alzheimer’s disease is the neurological condition that has the highest prevalence. Collaborative research efforts are needed to reduce the disease burden on patients, their families and society.
The goal of the Consortium for the Early Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease – Quebec (CIMA-Q) is to create an environment that will provide Quebec researchers with methodological tools, platforms and expertise to promote innovation, cohesion and visibility of Alzheimer’s disease research at unprecedented levels. Its specific objectives are:
- Develop tests to detect the disease earlier.
- Develop a toolbox combining new biological, genetic, cognitive and neuroimaging markers.
- Identify the early molecular mechanisms underlying the development of the disease.
- Identify health issues and lifestyle habits related to risk factors and factors that protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
- Implement clinical diagnosis procedures and biomarkers use in memory clinics.
CIMA-Q supports an expertise and a set of integrated research platforms accessible to the Quebec scientific community working on Alzheimer’s disease. CIMA-Q experts interact through four groups: 1-Neuroimaging, 2- Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Markers, 3- Therapeutic Targets and Biomarkers, 4- Risk and Protective Factors. These groups of experts contribute to the development of evaluative tools and procedures for data collection, diagnosis, harmonization and quality control. Theme and platform resources are managed by a team guided by a business plan focused on optimizing access to information for Quebec researchers and on the sustainability of the Consortium.
CIMA-Q includes more than 90 Quebec researchers working in the major fields of research relevant to Alzheimer’s disease. This unique gathering of expertise increases the visibility and productivity of the Alzheimer’s disease-based scientific community in Quebec, provides a basis to propel this research at the international level and to produce clinical applications, prevention strategies and significant discoveries for the population.